
*5GLARE-LESSGENERAL DOWNLGHTSPOTLGHTLNEAR32 I I II I III i ilIi liIDESGNBASELGHTPENDANTBaseLghtStripLghtMu-ModueSpotli LNEARLGHTLNEAR17/32ghtFoodghtHghPower Spotlight liOUTDOORSPOTLGHTLnear SpotlightUnder eaves for DOWNLGHTGateway panelGateway SwitchDetect people!(24-hour power supply)(24-hour power supply)Detect when it is getting dark(getting bright)!(24-hour power supply)*4) The Internet environment is required when using the following functions. Automatic time synchronization and software update from the Internet Connecting to the Cloud allows to link to smart speakers, back up to the cloud, and restore from the cloud.*5) Can be also connected a wireless LAN directly to the smartphone without going through a commercially available Wi-Fi router, when using the Gateway switch. (within the line-of-sight 25m) If connected directly, the Gateway cannot be connected to the Internet.*6) Sensors and remote controllers included in 250 units.Dedicated cloudStorageconfigurationandsetting data(24-hour power supply)After work hours19:00~Evening16:00~Work hours10:00~*1) The maximum communication distance varies depending on the installation environment and fixture structure.*2) The maximum communication range of the Handy remote controller is up to 20m.*3) Power ON/OFF is not available with Smart Switch and Smart Sensor Switch. If power operation is required, install a wall switch separately.Gateway panel(or gateway switch)Wi-Fi router (Commercial)Lights out0:00~Morning6:00~Smart LEDZ compatible fixturesHandy remote controller*2Smart single switch*3RepeaterSmart double switch*3Contact to the sales office for the details of Smart LEDZ fixtureBackup of setting data, etc.Restore version updatesetting data, etc.Up to*1 25m2.4GHz Mesh100-242V100-242VSmart LEDZ compatible fixturesSmart sensor switch*3AC input100-242VTuning is available for each room or group by voice.*Compatible with Amazon Echo and Google Nest series.*Available for personal and non-commercial purposes only.The scene can be set for each time period, andautomatically switches at that time period.*Schedule operation can also be performed with an optional switch.One system supports up to 250 units *2・Amazon Echo is a trademark of,Inc..・Google Nest is a trademark of Google LLC and this catalog is not approved or partnered with by Google.”Dedicated smartphone app (for /iOS for Android)100-242V(24-hour power supply)One gateway supportsup to 250 units *6Internet environment (optional)*4It can be operated not only from the gateway,but also from a smartphone by downloading a dedicated application.A smart sensor switch detects the brightness and automatically corrects it to the set brightness.Save energy through maintaining appropriateilluminance.Illuminance sensorThe latest version can be downloaded from the cloud by connecting to the Internet. Furthermore,it is safe to back up the settings to the cloud.A smart sensor switch detects the passage ofpeople and turns on the lights. Save energy byturning off the lights when there are no people.Motion sensorLinking withSmart SpeakerScheduled operationRemote controller and switch unitsOperation withmultiple devicesMaintainingappropriate illuminanceCloud connectionMotion sensor119Up to*1 25m2.4GHz Mesh2.4GHz MeshWireless LANWireless LANUp to*1 25m2.4GHz MeshAC input100-242VBase Unique Features with Advanced GatewaysConvenient functions for automatic controlSystem configuration

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